Tuesday 25 September 2012

Using songs for transitions in the classroom

I love to sing in the classroom... I don't know if my students love it because I'm not the best singer, but it is one of my favourite parts of teaching first grade. I find myself using songs for everything; moving from one place to the next, remembering all the things we need to bring/pack, academic ideas that need to be remembered and simply just for fun!
Why sing?

I find that students will sing along and the chatter will often lessen or stop. What we are singing often gives directions for what to do next, so I think it helps students to be verbally expressing the instructions while doing them. I always get compliments on how well my students walk in the hall, and the little song we sing before walking in the hall seems to help a lot!
Sometimes I sing the same song repetitively so that students can know it by heart and say it along with me, and other times I make a song up on the spot to teach them something new.
There are a few songs I didn't want to forget and use on a regular basis, so I made posters for my classroom. They come in all different colours to match your classroom theme. How do you use music and songs in the classroom?

Mrs. Dunn


  1. As an Occupational Therapist in the schools I know that music/singing helps my children who have developmental weaknesses. It provides them with rhythm which is the basis for fluid movement and it also assist with self-regulation (calming or alerting). And classical music (Bach)is wonderful when children are creating and/or writing.

    1. Music is so important, I'm so glad you see this in your line of work as well!

  2. WHere can I get the songs? Looking to learn new songs for next school year. Thanks

    1. Please click on the SONGS FOR THE CLASSROOM button, you will find the posters through this link. They are sung to popular tunes that are listed. There is not music provided, sorry.

  3. I'd love to use these too, but where can I find them

    1. Please click on the SONGS FOR THE CLASSROOM button, you will find the posters through this link. They are sung to popular tunes that are listed. There is not music provided, sorry.

  4. Music is so important. It is great.
